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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,

  hello everyone! my name is cherry.I am a sunshine girl .I am the the student of Nanshan experimental school . Im in class 2 grade 5 and Im eleven years old.
  Recently, Shenzhen always has a haze. Through the wood in the dome ,now I know how serious is very pollution.Every day we will put the dust breathe into the body,the dust will affect our health, and even a threat to our lives.
  So, from now , we should start Protect environment.
  Before,I love the fireworks ,now I will try to put it less. I also love to play in the water when I was h**ing a buth,and i waste a lot of water ,but now,I must s**e water.Environmental protection starts from me start from the little things around us .For example we driving. less as far as possible.
  treat the earth is to yourself,Lets make our earth better!


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