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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,,

  In our country, the only-one child policy has made more and more parents pay so much attention to their children that they would like to replace their children to do everything, including study, work and even marriage. This notion has given to many problems for childrens grow-ups. Therefore, our parents should learn to help their children to be independent.
  There are some suggestions given to our parents. For one thing, it is quite important for our parents to realize that their children will grow up and h**e their own ideas and thouge decisions alone in some matters so that they are able to pursue what they want. And this would also make contribution to solve what we called “generation gap.”
  For another, our parents should believe that their children h**e enough ability to deal with their personal matters and differentiate between good and evil. Hence, parents should give some family chores to their children properly because it is a good chance to train them.
  Of course, I am not saying that our parents should not help their children when they are getting into trouble, but I contend that our parents should give their children a free hand in some matters to help them to be independent.


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