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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,

  Today is a festival worth celebrating. Christmas is certainly not without Santa Claus and Christmas presents. I think Christmas is a day for children. Today, children will binge. They will tr**el and play.
  I like the Christmas hat. Its red. There are gifts every Christmas. Of course, there is invisibility, which is happiness. If you are happy today, you will be blessed.
  Today, I want to receive a Christmas present, of course, a baby bear and a Santa Claus. I like it very much. This wish, I realized. Mom bouge a Santa Claus, but this can only happen when I grow up.
  This afternoon, we went to the Chinese supermarket. There was Santa at the door handing out candy, of course. Walking into the supermarket, there was a tall Christmas tree with bells and flashing lights. It also has CARDS, of course, a blessing for people.
  Christmas is a day to celebrate and a time to cheer!!


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