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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,

As we all know, pollution is harmful to living beings. There are many different types of pollutions in this world. For instance, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on. Water pollution cause many kinds of disease that h**e negative effects on human beings, sometimes the diseases will take people’s life away. Dirty air will increase the rate of getting lung cancer. While the noise pollution will cause insomnia. People’s health condition will be damaged.
In my humble opinion, people should take measures to control the pollution. Recently, not only the government, but also individual has taken part in the action of protecting the environment. This is a good sign. Rivers are being cleaned, air is purified, and the people come to realize that the importance of protecting the environment.
However, this is not enough, the problems are still exist. Not all of them h**e been solved. Some factories are still pouring dirty water into the rivers or give off the toxic gas into the sky. We should know that protecting the environment needs everybody’s effort.


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