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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,,

Nowadays, Hollywood movies dominate the market and many young people take these superheroes characters as their idols. So some people start to feel disappointed about the local culture, because they h**ent seen its essence. As the world gets globalization, it is in need of building peoples sense of local cultural heritage.
The preservation of our cultural heritage is the necessary task. The culture contains the essence of Chinese peoples spirit, which has been tested by time. When people admit our culture, we will be proud of being part of the country, so as to enhance the unity and h**e the desire to make a contribution to the society. The loss of cultural heritage will destroy a country, which can be seen in history.
As the young generation faces the cultural shock in the globalization, so they are easy to deny the local culture, because they know little about it. Thus school should implant the education of culture and the government has named a day called Chinese Cultural Heritage Day, in the purpose of advocating the essence of local culture. When children grow up, they will fight for protecting the culture.


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