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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,

  Christmas is coming! I whispered in my dream, and I enjoyed the joy of Christmas in my dream.
  The house is full of brig time to time they made a pleasant sound.
  The people who were worn out by their work were playing with their children on the day and flying in the air. All the toys h**e gained new life, and all the good people who h**e died are back.
  Santa Claus g**e us a gift with a beautiful reindeer and spilled sweet and delicious sweets on the path. How I wish Santa could send me a collection of articles from all the people in the world!
  Christmas is so happy!


本文收集了2019学生圣诞节英语作文的高中作文, ,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 小学作文 / 初中作文 / 高中作文 / 优秀作文 / 同步作文 / 即景作文 / 秋天的作文 / 冬天的作文 / 作文大全 /

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