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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,

Whenever hear this song, I will remember my happy family. I am like a tree grass, long on the earth, mother earth, the sky is dad, Im in the arms of mom and dad, growing up slowly. Im lonely, his mother would find many good friends to accompany me, such as: squirrel brother, sister and brother le**es flower... I want to drink water, father will rain, for my friends and I drink enough, if I want to bask, dad will be out of the sun.
From my pictures you can clearly see it.
You see, a disheveled hair girl, holding a teddy bear, can you guess? This is me. My right hand is my father, he is very strong, every Sunday at noon to see whether the boxing, but dad can be hard-working, got up at five every morning for breakfast. My left is kind mother, she is very hard-working, most of the housework is mom.
This photo is my mother married the 10th anniversary of the first photo.
Boys and girls, do you like our photos? Like to go to my house and h**e a look!


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