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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,

Back to my hometown, I am very happy. The custom of Spring Festival always surprises me. The most common one is the following four: eating New Years dinner, watching the party, and setting off fireworks and New Years greetings at midnigs of the Spring Festival, and everyone will be back to share this wonderful moment with their families. Theres always a lot to say, work, family, etc. The time of the meal is different, as long as the family is all together, when you want to eat.
This day, is the first day, just got up, heard outside the door a New Years voice: give you old New Year! Ah! Here comes the happy New Year! Happy New Year! At this time, grandmother is busy making breakfast, grandpa is busy greeting people. Sit down? No, no. This conversation will always be heard many times. I hurried to finish my breakfast and the little uncle and they went out. The little uncles twin daug house to house, sometimes sitting for a while, chatting or something. And the child is carrying a bag to worship sugar. Say it, I dont h**e it!


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