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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,

In the winter, I play with my father and mother went to the panda base.
An enter a door, every tree hung with a panda doll, quite the atmosphere of the panda base, in a short time, we went to the panda screens, there is very big, with little panda, its because of h**e to do, I went to a near-end, saw inside film about a pandas on.
I learned that the giant panda belongs to the spine mammalia animal door a carnivore, giant pandas h**e said the bear, length 120 cm, tail about 18 cm long, about 45 cm long arm, leg about 75 cm long. Weigfortable, so probably originated from carnivorous ancestors instinct!
Finished watching the movie, we went to the youth of the giant panda villa, intently I use my mothers mobile phone took nearly five minutes short, they are a little afraid at first, but soon adapted to. Let me it is a pity that they are so lazy, in addition to holding a bamboo chew is lay asleep, turn over a new sleeping position to continue is rare big, rarely up to walk, let alone play, really wish them up with horn. Ha ha, no wonder they grow so fat!
To walk, we saw two little panda, a sleeping, a play, the last play nauge, I reluctantly left the panda base.
I look back, water, green bamboo, man and nature is how harmonious ah.


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