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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,

Several problems are caused by the non-organic substance. We ought not to pour wastes into the ocean, because it not only pollutes the ocean, but also lead to a series of harmful consequence. First and foremost, the non-organnic things, for instance, plastic bags, may kill fish and whales. Second, fishes cant digest them. Finally, some of the rubbish is inherently toxic, they will posion marine life.
We must take actions to protect our whale from dying. One thing we should do is creating a better system of disposing of rubbish. Another effective solution is making ships environmentally friendly. Sypermarkets shall stop the giving of plastic bags.
As a captain of the ship, you should spare no efforts to think more helpful ideas and stop dumping rubbish from now on. We all need to raise awareness of these problems. It now becomes necessary that we must act now, before it is too late!


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