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2023-12-09 17:47:47 ,,,,,,,,

On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, our whole family went to the hotel for morning tea. We finished. My sister took me to buy clothes. We bouge fish eggs. In this way, my morning passed.
At noon, my brother and I were painting family pictures. My brother said how to draw. I wanted to teach him. Our mother came up and told us to go down and eat moon cakes. When we finished, we continued to draw the family portrait. When we finished, we showed it to the adults. The adults said we painted well. In the evening, my cousin went to buy lanterns for our children. When my cousin came back, we each took lanterns. My sister and my classmates went for a walk. My little sister Tang and my cousin also took lanterns for a walk. Little sister Tang took out her mobile phone and took pictures for us. Its barbecue time! Adults help everyone roast a sheep. And our children also bake for everyone. The most funny time was when I was roasting the old fish. I was concentrating on roasting. Suddenly I wanted to pee. I didnt h**e time to ask someone to watch the old fish being roasted for me. When I came back, it was already burnt.
Here, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


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